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Micron News
MR603 is back in stock.
Tx20v2 is back in stock.
MR601 is back in stock.
MR001d now available and supercedes the 'a' and 'b' versions of MR001.
MR001a and MR001b are out of stock. This receiver was based on a product from Lemon who have changed the design to use a different microprocessor which does not support the MR001 firmware. A redesigned MR001d is in progress and availability in February is planned.
Model rail transmitters are back in stock. Availability of the MT01 transmit module is waiting on completion of the documentation.
MyLocoSound Premium sound cards are back in stock.
Due to component shortage, MR603b is no longer available. Its replacement, MR603c, is being worked on now and availability is planned for August.
Limited stock of MR603 is available now. Component shortage has again forced a redesign and MR603c, when available, will be announced on this page.
The combination of Deltang Rx41d-v5 and Micron MA003 is a usable substitute for Deltang's Rx60 until we can finish work on a direct replacement. The combination is approx 10x15x8mm and can handle up to 13V and 1.5A motor current.
A batch of MR603 has been assembled and I will be contacting everyone on the wait list (in the order of entry onto the list) starting next week (1 August).
It has been found that some older Deltang transmitters will not bind with MR603. This is almost certainly due to an issue with DSM2 implementation in older Tx2 firmware. If you experience a problem binding, please contact Micron.
The first batch of MR603 sold out in 4 days. More will be available at the end of July.
The MR603 receiver is now available for sale.
Commissioning of the Micron pick/place machine is not complete so, to avoid further delay to MR603, a batch has been ordered from a UK PCB assembler. They will be delivered here by 1st June and will go on sale shortly after.
Mid March has arrived but still no production MR603. The status is:
Receiver development is taking longer than hoped/expected, for which I apologise.
MR603 is close but not quite ready. Pre-production boards have passed all tests which gives confidence for production. When I started this project, the plan was to have the receivers assembled in China. However, the continuing global semiconductor shortage has made that infeasible; PCB assemblers either would not quote as they had no stock of some components or the price per board made for an unacceptable retail price. Thus, we will be manufacturing in house. The advantage is that components can be sourced from multiple suppliers and allows flexibility to make sufficient stock to match demand - particularly inmportant as more receivers are added to the range. The downside to in-house manufacture is the startup cost and effort. A pick/place machine has been ordered but that will take some time to commission so initial batches of MR603 will be hand-assembled resulting in limited availability until we are up to speed.