MR601a Top Click on image for a larger version. |
MR601a is a 2.4GHz DSM2/DSMX receiver which includes one integrated 1.2A reversable controller for brushed motors (ESC) plus 5 auxiliary outputs (2xF, 3xP) for lighting, sound trigger, couplers, etc. It can be used with any Spektrum DSM2/DSMX compatible transmitter; this includes all of the Micron model rail transmitters or a stick model aircraft type transmitter. MR601a is 22.5 x 11 x 5 and weighs 0.9g without leads. The voltage range is 2.7V to 13v and the 1.2A motor current rating makes it suitable for 00/H0, 7mm narrow gauge and smaller Gauge 0 locos. MR601a is available as board-only for you to add wiring or with a range of pre-wired leads. The standard output configuration is described on the Outputs tab. If the wiring or configuration options do not meet your needs, please contact us to discuss your requirements. An enormous range of programming features are provide to enable you to customise the operation of MR601a to suit your model. The current firmware version is 1.9. See MR601 Programming (v1.9) for full details or the user manual for brief information. Access to programming is either via a stick type transmitter or one of the Micron model rail transmitters. A stand-alone programmer with web interface is in development.
Size: | 22.5 x 11 x 5mm |
Weight: | 0.9g without leads |
Protocol: | Spektrum DSM2/DSMX |
Voltage: | 2.7V - 13V |
Motor Current: | 1.2A max continuous |
P outputs: | 3 (P1..P3), 0V when off, 3.3V when on, max 20mA |
F switches: | 2 (F1..F2 or A..B) open when off, closed to negative when on |
The default speed controller PWM frequency is 16kHz which works well for small and coreless motors. Larger motors may exhibit a reduced throttle response at this high frequency and will benefit from lowering to 1kHz or 500Hz - experience with Re280 type motors shows that 500Hz or 250Hz works best. The PWM frequency may be set using power-on programming changes (from v1.7, ident 'I') or by programming MR601a, which requires a transmitter capable of programming receivers (e.g. Tx20, Tx22, Tx24 - not Tx10 or Tx21).
The current firmware is 1.9 and the current programming table is 1.9. See Version Info for other versions. When wiring options are selected, these colours will be used: P1 | orange or yellow | P2 | turquoise | A/F1 | blue | B/F2 | green |
The MR601a has 1 x H, 3 x P and 2 x F outputs. H: MR601a is intended for surface vehicles which require forward and reverse motor control. For brushed motors this is achieved with an H-Bridge - the H outputs. H outputs have 256 step resolution in both directions (512 total). They control speed with pulse width modulation (PWM) which, by default, is set to its fastest (quietest) 16kHz setting. The H output can handle up to 1.2A current. The main constraint with current is heat in the receiver. Higher currents may be possible if heat sinks are added or the PWM frequency is reduced. MR601a has one integrated ESC (H1). How the outputs are used has to be set with programming. Receivers are provided 'pre-programmed'. The default settings are shown on the instructions pages for each variant. P: 'P' outputs are 'pads' with 'logic' type outputs. Pads are simply solder points for controlling external things. Logic outputs are either on or off (also known as high/low and 3.3v/0v in voltage terms). The action can be inverted so 'On' can mean 0v or 3.5v. P outputs are used to provide servo signals direct to the white/yellow lead on a servo. P outputs may also be used to drive LEDs and need a resistor to limit current to no more than 20mA. If a P output is connected to another system (e.g. sound card) with an open-circuit voltage > 3.3V, a series resistor is required to ensure the 'pull-up' current is less than 50uA. A 4k7 ohms resistor is suitable when connecting to a MyLocoSound trigger input. A F output does not need the resistor as it is a switch to battery negative when on. P outputs can not be connected to a Mtroniks trigger input as the required current is too high, F outputs must be used instead. F: 'F' outputs are 'buffered' P outputs capable of controlling up to 1A. The buffer is a FET (Field Effect Transistor) which provides a path to ground (0v) when on and is floating (disconnected) when off. Technically they are called 'open drain' (the equivalent with a transistor which is more widely known is called 'open collector'). The MR601a main board provides 2 x 'F' outputs, labelled A and B. When programming, the F outputs are numbered 4 and 5. F outputs are often used to control sound cards and lights that require more than 20mA. If an installation requires more than 2 F outputs, a P can be converted to an F using one or more FET Buffers. When wiring options are selected, these colours will be used: P1 | orange or yellow | P2 | turquoise or green | P3 | brown | A/F1 | blue | B/F2 | white | L | grey |
The pre-loaded configurations are shown below. Unless otherwise specified when the receiver was ordered, config 1 is enabled by default. The other loaded configurations can be selected using a power-on configuration change (aka 'paper-clip change') or by programming (v1.9). The throttle type can be toggled between Centre-Off and Low-Off using a power-on configuration change. Configurations
This configuration table is for firmware version 1.9.
For other versions, refer to mrxxx_version.
The pre-loaded configurations are shown below. Unless otherwise
specified when the receiver was ordered, config 1 is enabled by default.
The other loaded configurations can be selected using a
power-on configuration change
or by programming.
Port |
1: Centre-off throttle |
2: MyLocoSound triggers on A & B (Tx22) |
3: MyLocoSound triggers on A & B |
4: Road Vehicle |
H1 |
Centre-Off ch1 |
Centre-Off ch1 |
Centre-Off ch1 |
Centre-Off ch3 |
P1 |
Forward Light on H1 (LED2) |
Forward Light on H1 (LED2) |
Forward Light on H1 (LED2) |
Servo on ch2 Steering |
P2 |
Reverse Light on H1 |
Reverse Light on H1 |
Reverse Light on H1 |
Left indicator activate=ch4, steer=ch2 (LED2) |
P3 |
Momentary on ch3, low 3.3V |
Momentary on ch3, low 3.3V |
Momentary on ch3, low 3.3V |
Right indicator |
F1/A/P4 |
Forward Light on H1 |
Momentary on ch3, high closed |
Momentary on ch2, low closed |
Brake Light on H1 |
F2/B/P5 |
Reverse Light on H1 |
Momentary on ch5, low closed |
Momentary on ch4, low closed |
Reverse Light on H1 |
LED2 |
P1 | P1 | P1 | P2 |
Selecta |
Enabled |
Enabled |
Disabled |
Disabled |
Enabled |
Enabled |
Enabled |
Enabled |
Sleep time |
1 hour |
1 hour |
1 hour |
1 hour |
Cruise |
Enabled |
Enabled |
Enabled |
Enabled |
Other configurations are available to special order or you can configure yourself by programming (v1.9). Power-On Configuration Changes
A few configuration changes can be made without programming.
A simple link across 2 of the auxiliary P pads is used to action
the change. This is easily achieved using some needle nose tweezers
and, if they are sharp pointed, can penetrate the receiver's heatshrink cover.
A change is made by:
- connecting the appropriate P pads with the receiver off,
- switching the receiver on and observing the LED flash pattern,
- waiting until the flash pattern corresponds to the
value you want to set
- removing the connection,
- if the flash pattern is different to the setting before
you started, the change is confirmed by a continuous
rapid LED flash; you need to switch off and back on again
- if you have not changed a setting, MR601a
goes directly into receive mode
The changes all toggle (or cycle) the parameter value each time the
process is performed.
The LED flash indicates the new state of the configuration parameter.
The receiver has to be switched off after the change as it will be stuck
in the rapid flash mode to indicate that the change has been made.
If you switch off before removing the P connection, the
configuration is not changed.
This is a summary of the configuration changes that can be made using
a jumper across 2 of the P pads.
Change |
Pads |
LED indication |
Reset, Backup & Progamming |
P1/P2 |
n-flash where 'n' is:
1: do nothing
2: reset
3: backup
4: disable/enable ch2/ch4 programming
5: enter programming mode
Selecta |
P1/P3 |
1-flash - disabled
2-flash = enabled
Cruise Control |
P1/P4 |
1-flash = disabled, stop in 4s after signal loss
2-flash = enabled
ESC Throttle Mode |
P2/P3 |
1-flash = centre-off
2-flash = low-off
Configuration Select |
F2/P1 |
n-flash where 'n' is the configuration number |
F2/P2 |
1-flash = disabled
2-flash = enabled with battery voltage auto-detect
PWM Freq |
F2/P3 |
1-flash = 16kHz, 2-flash = 8kHz, 3-flash = 4kHz, 4-flash = 2kHz
5-flash = 1kHz, 6-flash = 500Hz, 7-flash = 250Hz, 8-flash = 120Hz
Each flash count is repeated twice and then increments to the next,
cycling back to 1 when the max is reached.
- The flash count for 'Reset, Backup & Programming' always starts
at 1,
- all others start at the currently configured value - e.g. if Selecta
is currently enabled, the flash count for Selecta mode will start
at 2
Remove the connection when the flash count is the value you want.
To avoid hesitation inadvertenly causing the count to skip on to the next
value, remove the connection when you see the first showing of the
LED flashes.
- when changing the configuration number,
any previous programming or power-on configuration changes
(e.g. LVC or throttle centre/low off) will
be over-written and will need to be done again.
- after making any programming or power-on changes, always
make a backup (P1/P2 or 4,12 program) so that,
should you later perform a P1/P2 reset,
the receiver is restored to the setup you made and not
the factory state.
The default receiver setting is for the Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC) threshold to be determined from the voltage seen on initialisation - basically, the receiver firmware makes a 'guess' at the battery type. The algorithm used for this calculation means that a 9V Alkaline or NIMH battery can often be interpreted as an almost discharged 3S LiPo. The solution is to either disable LVC, or set it to the correct value for your battery; this is done by programming the receiver. Instructions for programming receivers using your transmitter are at the end of the information leaflet that came with the transmitter. The receiver programming steps for LVC are: disable LVC: 4 2 1 enable auto LVC: 4 2 2 set LVC: 4 2 3 units tenths e.g. to set the LVC to 6.5V, the programming steps are: 4 2 3 6 5
The hardware version is marked on the receiver circuit board. The firmware version is identified by a letter written on one of the chips - e.g. 'D' indicates firmware version 1.4.
MR601 Hardware Version | Release Date | | MR601a | 2023-09-29 | First release | MR601 Firmware
The receiver is supplied either as a bare board or with wiring options and heatshrink covering as specified in the menus below. MR601a is available only with a short wire arial. If the receiver is to be used with a metal bodied vehicle, it should be mounted so that the aerial wire can be fed through a small hole to the outside of the body or into the cab space. The default behaviour of the P outputs and F switches are defined on the Configuration tab. F switches are best used for sound card triggers - select configuration #2 or #3 to match your transmitter controls. If you need more than 2 x F switches, a selection of small FET buffers are available to convert P into F. The MR601a side connection pads for F and P are small and close together. If you are not confident of micro soldering, please order MR601a with one of the wiring options or, contact Micron if none of these match your need.
Selecta, Throttle and Wiring Options:
Selecta: | Selecta (loco selection with Tx22, Tx24, etc)
Throttle Control: |
ESC PWM Frequency: | 16kHz PWM is ideal for most motors, especially coreless and small iron core; 500Hz or 250Hz is better for a larger iron core motor (better throttle response and reduced heating). The PWM frequency can be change using a power-on-change or by programming.
Power/Motor Leads: |
P outputs: | These are logic level 0V/3.3V outputs, mainly used for LED lighting. The default configuration has auto-switched forward and reverse lighting on P1 and P2 with P3..P6 switched using transmitter controls.
F switches: | If sound trigger wiring is selected, specify the transmitter controls used for sound in the 'Receiver Config' menu below. Other wiring options and tx control mappings are available, contact Micron to discuss your requirements. See the Outputs tab for information on output usage.
Receiver Config: | The receiver configuration may be changed if sound card triggers selected for the 'F' options above. Specify the transmitter controls to be used triggering sounds. If none are appropriate, contact Micron to discuss your requirements.
LVC: | The receiver has a low voltage cut-off (LVC) facility which stops the motor when the battery has reached its discharge voltage. The default setting is for LiPo batteries. If you are using NiMH, the LVC should be disabled - see Low Voltage Cutoff tab.
Heatshrink Cover: | Select 'cover supplied loose if you intend to add lead-out wires to the receiver; otherwise select 'applied to board'. If you want the receiver protected against accidental contact with metal parts, please select the 'heatshrink applied' option.
Base Price: £ 34.00
Total Price: £ 34.00